6-8 Greedy Beaver VOL Repreve


Greedy 具有真正的短板感觉和压缩的长板轮廓,具有中长复古滑行和短板可操作性。

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The Greedy Beaver has a real shortboard feel with a compressed longboard outline, a true crossover board with midlength retro glide and shortboard maneuverability. Put it on rail while engaging the single to double concave, step on the rounded pin and it surfs like a shortboard in the pocket. Or take advantage of the single to double concave and large planing surface to trim effortlessly over dead sections. The beveled rail reduces the overall thickness, adding performance including rapid direction changes.

Raise your wave count every session with the paddle power of the Greedy Beaver while turning on a dime as you thread your way through the pack.

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6' 08" X 21 1/2" X 2 13/16" – 49.1 L


As the world's leading recycled filer made from ocean-bound plastic bottles, Repreve is a sustainable innovation enabling Firewire to build strength and flex control into each Volcanic shape while simultaneously preventing plastic bottles from entering our ocean playground.


Beginner – Advanced/Pro

Wave Size:



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